Thursday, July 23, 2009

Wednesday 8 July

This was a fun day. Venue was changed (don’t know if they anticipated the noise a shush of librarians can make)

Johan Greeff (Treetops founder)
Dynamic organization

With practical exercises, entertaining and, o so close to the bone, videos the concepts of strategy, change management, organizational culture, Leadership style (re – affirming) and team effectiveness was explained. We experienced how our own teams operated.Ask questions and be sure you know what the common vision is before you act – take everyone along.Being a cat herder is forever edged into my mind. Imagine a few cowboys (on horseback) herding a thousand cats on an endless stretch of land – can it be done??
POMOJA: Group vs Team Dynamics
Do not try this without proper supervision – you never know what librarians are capable of – they don’t know either…This cross-cultural simulation game was immense fun and we learned a lot about strategy, individual characteristics and team effectiveness diplomacy and a lot more... The past sessions rolled out into practice. Learning can be fun!
Dinner speaker: Ian Mann (Founder & lead consultant, Gateways)

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