Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thursday 16 July

Monica Hammes (Assistant Director: Quality assurance and Open Scholarship, UPLS)
Quality Assurance: It is important in any organisation. Someone should take responsibility for this – client have a right to quality service.
Hilda Kriel (Deputy Director: Client services & Operations, UPLS)
Client Services: Needs analysis.
Ria Groenewald (Digitisation Co-Ordinator, UPLS)
Digitisation: State of the art equipment!
Heila Pienaar (Deputy Director:E-strategy and E-research enablement, UPLS)
Instituional repositories, research & e-research: We do it on a much more subdued scale.
Could we visit UP to actually see all this?

Carol Slater (Director UKZN Provincial Library Services)Provincial Library Perspective
Karlien de Klerk (Deputy Manager: Library services nelson Mandela Bay)Metropolitan library perspectives
It was great to get an idea of what everyone is doing. “…nobody told me that…”

We work in an ever changing environment – it is never boring

Dinner speaker: Ellen Tise (Senior Director US, IFLA President elect)
Inspirational. Opportunies come your way - grab it. Kay Raseroka joined us for dinner

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