Thursday, July 23, 2009

Friday 17 July

Knotted stomachs! Wish the presentations can be over and done with!
The way ahead
Kay Raseroka spoke from the heart to my heart – I am a librarian and I make a difference. Re-invent African Librarianship.
-Puleng Kekana painted a picture of Liraries in SA as seen by the DAC. Serious issues have been adressed – DAC know what is going on and trying to solve problems. Also good to see successes.
-Christine Stilwell pointed the way forward for libraries in SA with a Delphi study done at UKZN. 9 recommendations were made eg. Holistic approach, funding, ICT infrastructure, education and training, culture of reading, role for LIASA, social exclussion, new direction – “new language”, distribute access to information. Made us realise the power of LIS professionals. Workshopped main issues.
The afternoon was a great success and all the groups performed well. It was very interesting to hear what each one had to say and questionnes were asked and answered. The panel of distinguished “judges” kept us on our toes.

The gala dinner was a proper closure to a memorable two weeks. Thanks to each and everyone who made this a great experience

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