Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Diary of Carnegie Library Leadership Academy

I kept my diary updated in a Word document as it was not always possible to access my blog on the internet.

I applied for the Academy as it was an opportunity to grow as a person and as a professional.
I would like to learn about the concept of leadership and I would like to know how to take a leadership role in my organisation without being in a management position.

I intend to share my new knowledge with my colleagues in our library.
I hope to be in a position where I can take a leadership role and make a difference.

Five issues I intend addressing / doing differently in my own library:
- Be an advocate for the library and librarianship - possitive attitude.
- Recruit 5 members for LIASA.
- Assist in creating a culture were employees can excell.
- Propose a Social Responsibility Strategy linked to the objectives of our organisation.
- Develop a Training strategy to be implemented in 2010.
- Continue networking with colleages accross our profession.

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