Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tuesday 14 July

Ronel Rensburg (Dept. of Marketing and Communication Marketing, UP)
Marketing, Branding & effective communication
This full morning session deals with a topic all librarians need to take note of. Marketing or our profession, our services and ourselves is very important and should be done at every opportunity. Definitions and theory are mixed with real life examples and put into context of libraries. The 21 steps in setting up a campaign or programme is discussed and the applied by the 5 groups within a library setting.
Karin Kitching (US Embassy)
Advocacy – locating libraries on the radar screen
Defines Advocacy and give ideas on how the library can advocate their profession and services.
Robert Moropa Talks about the implementation of leadership and advocacy in his library in a higher educaton environment.
Rene Schoombee Talks about taking opportunities and advocates being a librarian and promoting Public/School library services. She is passionate about what she does. Librarian of the year 2007.
Dinner Speaker: Dr. Raymond L Brown (Political counselor, US Embassy)Encounter of pres. Barack Obama’s rise to fame and politics in the US. Had to put on my American ears to be able to understand what he was saying.

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