Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tuesday 7 July

John Moalusi (CEO Bridging the Gap)
One organization, many leaders – Leadership theory and application
Oom John entertained us with his energetic style of presentation and included everyone in a discussion about leadership – defining, theories, models, trends, personal leadership and characteristic and qualities of leaders…..the good the bad and the ugly….It linked extremely well with yesterdays’ session on the Campbell Leadership Tool. The mist is clearing….Very helpful workbook was handed out. This is part one On Thursday the issue of Human Capital will be addressed.
Antoinette Lourens
Web2.0 – Wikis Workshop
Once again the handout saved the day as everyone was not able to create their wiki. This seems to be even easier than blogs – only 2 steps! Go to Click on create a new wiki, Type in a wiki name of choice (relating to purpose) indicate security (public, protected, private) and click on create. Now the fun begins and you can invite others (like your group members) onto your wiki. We created a wiki for our group assignment and everyone in our group can edit on the wiki.Check out the workbook with slides of the presentation.
Ujala & Hilda
Campbell leadership descriptor tool (part 2)
Discussed the results of our questionnaires and if fit in with the morning session on leadership. Concepts were put into practice and re-affirmed. It is clear that people can be leaders without being in Management positions.
To Do: Can we get copies of this instrument and all do it at Ferdinand Postma Library?

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