Thursday, July 23, 2009

Monday 6 July

John Tsebe (National librarian)
Locating libraries on the national agenda, NCLIS, legislation, Transformation charter…
John gives background on LIS on National level. He lists a number of acts relating to libraries in SA – Advise government on LIS matters. NCLIS liase with government on ministerial level. NCLIS is busy working on the 5th draft of Transformation Charter – where can we look at it? More information available at LIASA in Bloemfontein later in the year.
Rachel More (Deputy National librarian & LIASA president)

LIASA – its role and relevance to the profession
The members is LIASA – people who can make a difference. Transformation charter makes provision for LIASA to be made into a statutory body representing ALL library workers. Conference is 28 Sept – 2 Oct in Bloemfontein.
Peter G Underwood (Centre for information literacy, UCT) Fell ill and Theo Bothma presented.

The status quo of public and community libraries and libraries in higher education status quo = status which is = e-book “Libraries for the future”
Antoinette Lourens (Information Specialist UPLS)

Web 2.0 technology in the workplace
Workshop of 60 min on BLOGS. Technology is not working and we could not all complete our Blogs successfully. I lost some of the presentation when trying to battle with internet connection. Looks easy (3 steps) Create a blog, Create as google account (write down your username and password) Name your blog (write it down). Handout!
Ujala Satgoor and Hilda Kriel (Deputy Directors, UPLS)

Campbell leadership descriptor tool (part 1)
Goals and elements of tool is explained - after receiving a copy (available Center for creative leadership). Everyone completed the questionnaire using themselves, a good leader they know and a “bad” leader they know. Gives an indication of own leadership competencies and points out that a bad leader can have good qualities and a good leader can have bad qualities. Perception of a person can cloud fair judgement. Good and bad qualities of “self” are identified and self development can begin….My top 2 competencies = Diplomacy and Personal style. My competency that needs development the most is Personal energy.
To do: Develop a Personal action plan

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